Tuesday 1 November 2011

Law of Nature

The Law:
That every living thing must die.

That one law took away the life of Garfield, a cat that offered me companionship and indirect loyalty, he came every morning to do figure 8 at  my feet and purr as i scratch his chin.
His life, ended on the 31st of October. He died alone, near a bus stop, on the grass. His eyes were cloudy and flies and ants covered him by the dozens.
He wasn't injured, there were no obvious injury, just died when it was time.
We( me and fellow buddies) dug a grave for him, we shovelled with sticks, twigs, branches, a wedding placard  and a horizontally cut 1 litre mineral water bottle. It took us an hour, and when we buried him, we forgot to close his eyes.
A speech was read out and we sprinkled water and random leaves over his grave. I could not cry. Try as I might, the tears refused to give out.
I'll visit him everyday if I could, but right now, I don't think I can.
I'l bring flowers next time, baby. Just wait.
I wont leave you. See you later.

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