Sunday 13 November 2011

Weekend Events, Life of A Butterfly:)

my darling friend;s birthday party. her house was like out of city and not in google map, so i did major major research on it. When we found the house we were like, omg, there it is!!!!!
Okay, so we dipped our legs in the pool, played hide and seek( shuddup, reliving the childhood moment here!!) and ate, a lot. owh, i had some major stains on my clothes that made me gasp, wash my hands, and smother the stain in soap. And we were all like,"open the pressies!!" and so on. enough told there.
Woke up at like, 10?? and my dad was like hurry!hurry! and i was walking around the house , half awake and hungry, trying to locate my towel. After the torment of showers, we went out and bought whatever was the necessaries and went back home. And i was writing a text message, planning to send it to , i dont know, someone, and decided not to and let the message enter the drafts folder.

So there you go, my not so average weekend in which i did not spend anytime to think about school.

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